Alerts & Text Banking

Protect your accounts with free, timely alerts.1
With Sun Central Credit Union Alerts, you set the alert parameters and how you want to be notified—push notifications, email, text message, secure message, or phone call.
Types of alerts include:
- Your checking, savings or credit line balance is above or below an amount you specify
- A withdrawal, deposit or check posts to your account
- Your online statement is ready for viewing
- A change has been made to your account information or settings within digital banking
- A transfer has processed successfully or has failed to process
- An e-bill is ready to review
- A bill payment has been sent
- A bill’s due date is approaching
- Your credit card payment is due
- A labeled transaction has gone through (e.g.
- Day of reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, and more
To get started with alerts, log in to online banking or open the mobile app, and choose Alerts in the Services section of the menu.
Check your accounts instantly.
Text banking allows you to receive information via text message about your accounts including available balance, recent transactions and transferred funds.2
Text Commands
Text Command | Command Format | Description |
BAL <account name> For example, to receive your available balance information about your account nicknamed “Mine”, send this text: BAL MINE
Sends your current Available Balance. |
HST <account name> To receive a list of the last 10 transactions of your account nicknamed “1234”, send this text: HIST 1234 |
Sends the last 10 transactions. |
XFER <from account name> <to account name> <amount to transfer> To transfer $25 from your savings account nicknamed “SAV” to your checking account nicknamed “Mine”, send this text: XFER SAV MINE 25 |
Allows you to transfer funds between Text enabled accounts. |
Sends list of all available Text Banking Commands. |
Sends link for Text Banking help. |
Unsubscribes your account from Text Banking. |
Want to enroll?
Log in to your Sun Central Credit Union Digital Banking account and go to Services > Text Enrollment and follow the instructions to enable Text Banking. Once enabled you can begin texting the commands below to 226563. Or, call us at +17712204844 or email us at
Ready to get started?
- While Sun Central Credit Union does not charge for Alerts, check with your mobile service provider for web access or text messaging fees.
Sun Central Credit Union’s top priority is the privacy of our users. See above for a complete copy of our Privacy Policy. In addition:
- Sun Central Credit Union Text Banking will never, under any circumstances, sell or distribute your cell phone number to third parties or Sun Central Credit Union Text Banking clients for whom you have not approved.
- Sun Central Credit Union Text Banking will never directly market to you any services for which you have not opted in, either by cell phone, text message or email.
- Sun Central Credit Union Text Banking will never distribute any personal information about you, including your phone number, name, billing information or any other piece of identifying information.