Mortgage Calculators
Decide if you should rent or own, estimate a mortgage payment or weigh your refinancing options.

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What home can I afford?
A home may be the largest purchase you ever make, so it’s important to calculate how much your payment will be and how much you can afford. Our mortgage calculator estimates your monthly mortgage payment.
The time limit (in years) within which the loan must be repaid. Mortgage loans are offered in a variety of term lengths. Generally the longer the term, the smaller your minimum monthly payments will be.
The final sale price of the property negotiated between the buyer and seller.
The percentage of the home's purchase price that you will pay directly, and will not be part of the mortgage loan.
The dollar amount that you will pay directly, and will not be part of the mortgage loan. Automatically calculated here from the purchase price and the percentage down.
The percentage you pay for the use of an amount of money for a specified period of time. Individual mortgage loan interest rates depend on a number of factors such as current typical rates, location, and financial records. Mortgage interest rates will be either fixed or adjustable. Fixed rates will not change over the term of the loan, allowing for predictable payments. Adjustable interest rates can adjust either up or down at defined intervals according to a market index, which may increase or decrease your payments accordingly.
Generally property taxes are owed each year to the state, local taxing authority or municipality. Typically these will be a percentage of your home's assessed value.
Also called homeowner's insurance, this protects you from the costs of various types of property damage and some potential liability. Lenders require homeowner's insurance coverage to protect the collateral that secures the loan. Standard policies usually do not cover catastrophic events such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes or floods.
Home loan options for each stage of life.
Mortgages aren’t one-size-fits-all. Sun Central Credit Union customizes loans for everyone from first time home buyers to medical professionals