Everywhere Savings

Start building your future.
Whether you’re saving for college, a home or early retirement, our signature savings account will make life easier with tailored savings plans. Open This Account Online >
- You’re just starting a savings account.
- You’re looking for an account with low or no fees.
- You want uncomplicated banking.
Account Features
- 2 free withdrawals per month1
- Interest-earning account access
- $50 minimum required to open account
- Free digital banking2
- Free eStatements or paper statements
- Free direct deposit
Account Fees
You can easily avoid the $4 monthly maintenance fee by meeting the following requirement3:
- Maintain a $300 minimum daily balance
Account Benefits
Ready to get started?
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- Savings Account customer can make two free withdrawals per month. There is a $2 fee for each additional withdrawal.
- While Sun Central Credit Union does not charge for mobile banking, your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply.
- Account holders may avoid the Monthly Maintenance Fee by meeting any of the requirements listed in the Account Fee section of this page. Other account service fees may apply as described in the Account Services Fee Schedule, which is also available at your local branch.